Tuesday, April 8, 2014

5 things that I wish for on my birthday

It's officially that time of the year again.

I can't believe time sizzles.

It feels as if I have just returned home after my 9 years of adventures in KL even though more than one year has passed without realization.

As much as I've wished and wanted this year to be different, a part of me know that it will not be different and it never will be different.

Hence, this year, I'm gonna make a change. I will not ask for the same old thing again.

I think God must have gotten tired of answering to my requests because throughout the years, I don't think He has answered that request of mine. I'm gonna stop asking Him for that because I believe if He doesn't lead me to it yet, perhaps, the time is not right as of now.

Before I blow out my birthday candles, I just want to share some of the things that I wish for on my birthday this year.

Well... you can mark my words - my wishes are not gonna be fantastic!


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1. Be thankful and grateful for what I have in life.

In the past, I have wronged God in taking away what He had given me. True enough, I stopped going to the church for 6 months because I blamed God for misleading me to believe everything in front of me was beautiful when it was not.

When I finally had the chance to sit down and thought of the issue, I came to realization that reality is indeed harsh but at least He brought me through it before things got worse.

For that, I am thankful to Him - this will be the very day I do not want to ask for anything from Him. I just want to say, "Thank you, God, for all that I have now."

2. Spend more time with my parents.

As much as my parents are kinda control freaks, there are still the persons whom I look up to. I admit, there are times when I regret my decision to come back but in the end, if my decision made them happy, what is there to lose, right? All that they ask for is to be able to see their children first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

There will be a point in life when I would be somebody else's parent and of course, I would want my children to be close to me as well.

I would wish for them to be healthy too!

Thus, on my birthday this year, my wish is to spend the day with them - movies at home would be great!

3. Learning to accept and love myself more each and every day.

Truth be told, I did not grow up learning to love myself.

I grew up in a harsh environment where people judge you based on your physical appearance. My childhood wasn't a bed of roses. I had to deal with judgemental people.

It was only when I went to UTAR that a group of motivating friends taught me that you are the main character in your life. If you do not love yourself, nobody will. They have taught me how to embrace my weaknesses and to accept the way that I am and that I do not need to change just because somebody else prefers me that way.

Well... in another word...

Yes, I am awesome!

4. Be nicer to my siblings.

Honestly, I do not really like discussing things about my siblings on the blog. It's not that we are not close or anything. It's just personal preference, I guess.

My fourth birthday wish this year is that I could be nicer to them.

Even though we may quarrel sometimes but I am the only person who is allowed to quarrel and fight with them. Pick on my siblings and you will face my wrath!

5. Keep on staying healthy!

I have been struggling to stay healthy because I want to look and feel good. It's not the weight that I am aiming for. I am trying to go for the whole - for a better and longer life so that I can do the things I like as well as taking care of those that I love.

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So basically, those are my wishes this year.

I know that there is a taboo saying that if you tell people of your wish, it will never come true.

Well, I haven't been telling people of my repeating wish over the past decades and it never came true up to this very day - so, what is there to lose?

Anyway, if you're reading this, please wish me happy birthday!

It'd mean so much to me :)

Stay happy and healthy!

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