Friday, April 5, 2013

My life - in words and pictures

Hi, everyone...

I guess it has been a week since I last blog about products or even my life.

On the whole, since I am posting this entry, it pretty much means I am doing good and yeah, you can throw in coping and surviving. I have finally been thrown into working world after 8 years of being in tertiary education. Yeah, talking about tired of studying, aye?

Erm... not really, I can never understand myself... I am tired of studying but at the same thing, I'm already considering to do my PhD. Indecisiveness is bad, really bad. Anyhooo... life is quite good because the new intake of students will not be in until June 2013 and that means less worries and stresses.

I have a dozen of things to do at the back of my mind and a dozen of products to review but then again, I have 12 weeks of lecture slides to plan and prepare. These slides must be ready for submission by the end of this month - this is the example differentiating between what is urgent and what is important.

Before I end this entry, here are some of the product reviews that will be coming up soon, hopefully...

Happy Friday, people!

I'm beginning to look forward to weekends already!

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