Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Ed's big day...

Hello, people - alright, basically, to those that are still reading this blog out there... Well, I'm not so sure if there are any but nevertheless, it doesn't matter.

As promised, to those friends who are still following this half dead blog of mine, here you go - feast your eyes with these pictures, taken during darl's big day...

I don't know what kinda story I should tell everyone, hence, there will be less words and maybe a few pictures, that is all about this entry. No mood to blog recently...

Just before the day ended, my buddies came to celebrate with the birthday boy and... guess the birthday boy was pretty much surprised with all the dedications and the cake... Well, I don't know, have to ask him.

Goodnight, people, I need more beauty sleep... Backache is killing me...

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